Women of Color Foundation
The Equity Project

Funded Partially By:

The Equity Project, a program of the Women of Color Foundation (WOCF), is designed to help participants enhance their critical thinking and soft skills. Geared particularly toward marginalized women of color. This program will service clients who may also be enrolled in other programming.
The program recognizes there is strength in having participants engaged in different development opportunities. The Equity Project will provide education, economic and equity training to Black Women who have been marginalized by society and/or are living below the poverty level.
Program participants will be equipped with knowledge and tools to elevate their careers and lifestyles, to evaluate their status and develop career and life goals and will be connected with community resources and partners to help them reach their goals.
As part of programming, participants will also be paired with a career mentor and a sponsor in an organization or business to help advance their goals. Another important component of this work will be to help clients understand the importance of volunteerism and being civically engaged. We will help identify meaningful opportunities for volunteerism, fostering deeper community/business relationships.
Our vision has always been to recruit, train, and to positively impact the sense of self-worth, careers, and lifestyles of twenty-five (25) Black women (between the ages of 25 and 35), and their families, living in urban communities and Cleveland neighborhoods.
Historically the Women of Color Foundation has served women in the mid to high level phases of their careers. However, this WOCF program seeks to elevate the quality of life for Black women in crisis.
Our organization has a base of nonprofit, governmental, corporate, and entrepreneurial leaders who are ready to step up and provide the workforce development support and training, needed to advance the lives of the Black women selected for this amazing opportunity.

The application and your personal written statement should be emailed to Kristina Austin at kaustin@womenofcolorfoundation.com
Personal video statements can be uploaded to Dropbox using the link below. https://www.dropbox.com/request/Nd5OI5bDhb67oUKX5lEV