Ask the Experts
Welcome to our new “Ask the Experts” page. On this page you can read and review advice from our experts in the areas of finance, small business, healthcare, self-care, leadership, coping during the COVID-19 Pandemic, career development, wellness, exercise and eating healthy.
And, you can be an “Expert” too! Just submit your subject matter content, color headshot and contact information for consideration. You can submit this information to our review committee at: contact@womenofcolorfoundation.com
Please feel free to check this page at your leisure for new information, tips, advice, connections, links and ideas.

Downtown Cleveland Alliance was live.
Downtown Now! Episode 10: Uncovering Diversity Best Practices
In Downtown Cleveland, the epicenter of Cleveland’s business and commerce, now more than ever, employers are prioritizing diversity and inclusion initiatives and investing resources into making sure their teams are set up for success. Focusing on diversity and inclusion is not only a smart business strategy, but also the right thing to do for our city and community.
This week’s Downtown Now! Webinar Series’ panel will feature outstanding professionals, representing various industries who will discuss their personal experiences, barriers, best practices and the results of industry wide efforts to promote diversity and inclusion.
Mel McGee Rebecca Ruppert McMahon
Founder & CEO – We Can Code IT Chief Executive Officer Cleveland Metropolitan Bar Association
Alexandria Johnson Boone
Chairwoman and Founder Women of Color Foundation
Case Western Reserve University was live.
October 8, 2020 ·
CWRU Diversity Think Forum:
From Pain to Progress
From Pain to Progress: The State of Racial Justice in the U.S. in the Aftermath of the George Floyd Killing.
Moderated by Robert L. Solomon, Esq., vice president of the OIDEO and featuring panelists:
- Frank Whitfield,
- Ayesha Bell Hardaway,
- Alexandria Johnson Boone and
- Trina Evans.
Power of Diversity Lecture Series
The Office for Inclusion, Diversity and Equal Opportunity sponsors the Power of Diversity lecture series to inspire campus dialogue, community engagement and civic education and learning about the national narrative on diversity and inclusion. The annual series includes two distinguished guest speakers from the national or international scene and four scholars from our own faculty.
The speakers include scholars, thought leaders and diversity professionals whose research, scholarship, leadership and advocacy enhance the university's efforts to present diverse ideas, perspectives and viewpoints to inspire greater understanding and appreciation for inclusive excellence.